Today's article is about : what is in my grocerie bag.
Most of the time I do my own groceries because I have my own fridge for my drinks , fruits and snacks. And I think it would be nice to show you guys whats in my bag when I come home from the supermarket.
When I go to the supermarket I always have my grocerie bag with me : I stole this one from my mum haha and she bought it at the Albert Heijn (supermarket) and it's 100% organic from their Pure and Honest line.
This bag is amazing and really invironment friendly , it's easy to carry and you can put alot of groceries in the bag. I either have this one with me or a fabric bag with flowers that I bought at the " blokker "for 1 euro that one is easy aswell. Well lets take a look at my groceries..
Some of the stuff is for my boyfriend and the other stuff is mine, I hope you like it.
New glamour
Sunflower pits
Soy milk
Ben & Jerry's <3
Semolina ( griesmeel pudding )
Rice pudding
Pure chocolate
This is what I brought for my lovely boyfriend :
Spicy Olives ( we both LOVE olives , I tought my bf how to eat olives )
Cheese cubes
Dry sausages
Herbs (for planting , my boyfriend wanted them really bad so I got him 4 herbs : parsly, basil , aragula cherry and cress. )
And last but not least : 2 bags of crisps - Doritos and Buggles ( my boyfriend putts the cheese from the cheesetube in to the buggles )
Fairly nuts <3 YUMMMMMMMMMM
Nectarines - I love fruit , practicaly any fruit and this time I brought these nice sweet nectarines.
These are the herbs that I brought for my boyfriend , they are also from the Pure and Honest line from the albert heijn. And it's a Growbag , the bag contains earth and seeds and you can grow your own herbs this way.
This is also for my boyfriend except for the olives , those we share haha.
He loves savory snacks instead of sweet snacks , so this time I brought him dry sausages and cheese cubes which he adores.
Also for the boyfriend , crisps. I must admit I will steel a few buggles
(without cheese cause I dont eat cheese , blegh )
YUMYUM , I dont eat much chocolate and it makes me feel sick when I do eat milk or white chocolate BUT pure chocolate I can eat all day.
I love pure chocolate , some people dont like it at all because its bitter but I love it.
Lemons : for lemon slices in my water with ice cubers :yummie
Sweetner : I drink alot of tea and instead of sugar I use sweetner. This is MUCH better then tea.
Cause ... well let me count.
I drink my tea with 2 scoops of sugar and I drink about 6 cups of tea per day , sometimes more.
So that will be 12 scoops of sugar , so thats really bad and this sweetner is much better then sugar.
Soymilk , cause I really like the taste of it.
And just some packs of drink.
Well that were my groceries , I hope you liked it.
So whats in your grocerie bag ?
With lots of love ,
Rianne x