Hello there lovely ladies and gents ,
Today's article is a sneak peek in my wardrobe's.
I have my normal closet for my clothes that I wear all the time.
I got a shoe closet in my other room for all my heels and other shoes.
And I have a spare closet in the other room for :
all my fancy dresses , coats and clothes that I don't wear a lot.
But today I will shoe you my regular closet and my shoes.
So take a look at the closets if you would like that.
Normal closet
All my shirts on the bed , folding them nicely again and
deciding what to keep and what to bring to the secondhand shop.
My shirts with long arms.
"Special shirts"
Tank tops
T- shirts
All in the closet and my pants underneath.
My vests
Well this was it actually , I really hope you liked it.
And that you enjoyed watching all the pictures !